
November 21, 2007


Click here to watch the video.

13 Responses to “Tattoo”

  1. LB Says:

    Yo, Mom!!!

    *gives LB high-5* 😛

  2. Kyels Says:



    Kyels, you want one??? 😛

  3. nuraina samad Says:


    my daughter and my niece played this song over and over and even gave me a rundown of who jordin was(is).

    she’s good..and so is the song.

    Nuraina, this song is on my current fave playlist too.. 😀
    I love the lyrics & Jordin’s got a great voice & I love her diction.

  4. angel Says:

    cannot see but I like the song too!

    Angel, you can watch it at home. 😉

  5. kat Says:

    Hey! Hope mum is doing better now. Physically, maybe there isn’t much we or the doctors can do. So what we can do is to keep her and your spirits up, ok? Sometimes, the mind can work miracles.. 🙂


    TLC, Kat.. it works wonders for everyone. 😉


  6. Neo Says:

    Really cool! 🙂

    The bear? The tattoo? The video? The singer? The song? 😛

    Thanks for dropping by, Neo. 🙂

  7. Giddy Tiger Says:

    Nice one! *high fives*

    *gives Giddy Tiger double high 5* 😀

  8. endroo G Says:

    i want a tattoo, too.

    On which part of your anatomy, Endroo??? 😛

  9. x5 Says:

    dont want the tatt…can i hv the bear please, pretty please 🙂

    Guess what, X5? He’s on my Christmas wishlist.. 😉

  10. Wennnn Says:

    I like the song and I think the singer is cool.

    Likewise, Wennnn. 😀

  11. kyh Says:

    ah jordin! so cool! and the bear is so yao yeng! HAHAAA

    Yep, Kyh.. I think the bear really bergaya one. 😛

  12. may Says:

    Mama Forevah!!

    *encores May’s words* 😀

  13. iamikel Says:

    *curi the bear from jem*


    *smile innocently*

    Jordin rulesssss!!! so am I…

    *oopss.. perasan*

    Watch out, ppl! Iamikel is a bear-snatcher. 😛

    Waiseh!!! Really perasan one la.. 😛

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