
February 21, 2007


Your expectations rob you of joy more than your failures do.

Expectations create disappointment in the middle of success by allowing you to feel that, because good is not great, it is not good at all.

The expectation of failure is failure.

When you expect to lose, you hunt for the signs of loss  and react to them as proof of your failure, missing success in the process.

If you don’t expect anything, withholding people will not disappoint you.

If you expect too much, even giving people will let you down.

It is a difficult balance to attain, being open and being alert.

You want to experience life’s joys without being suspicious or jaded.

And you don’t want to be hurt.

Innocence doesn’t anticipate deceit.

That is why children can be so blissful.

Still, like everyone else, you learn that even the best plans can go amiss and that the love you once believed would last forever can fade.

There’s no surprise as shocking as discovering something you never expected to face.

You need to protect yourself without diminishing your openness.

The sting of betrayal is in the innocence it destroys.

Lowering your expectations raises your integrity.


Everything makes sense. But only good makes it right.

Cartoon: http://www.claybennett.com/